Personal Profile
Who I Am

I am a fun-loving, energetic, enthusiastic, passionate, and driven person always excited to learn new things. I studied Electrical Engineering as an undergraduate at UCSB, then decided I wasn't quite ready to start my career yet and spent a year traveling the world. I visited 24 different countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa and learned so many things that have changed my perspective on the world and me as a person. I feel inspired to continue traveling and learning about all different types of people and cultures throughout my life. But I also have a tremendous passion for Computer Science and Web Design. Although I am still a beginner and there is much to learn, I approach each new project or task with enthusiasm and have so much fun finding out new tricks and ways to design a website, or write a program for a new business owner or designer. I am eager to continue working and learning in these fields and am always looking for new projects!