A Little About
Our Hostel & Community

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Our Philosophy

Why Chimborazo?

Because it was as Alexander Von Humboldt (visionary thinker, daring explorer and the most famous scientist of his age) stood on Ecuador's majestic Chimborazo mountain, and absorbed what lay in foent of him while his mind reached back to all the plants, rock formations and measurements that he had ever seen and taken, everything that he had ever observed fell into place. Nature, Humboldt realized, was a web of life and a global force. He was, a colleague later said, the first to understand that everything was interwoven as with 'a thousand threads.' This new idea of nature was to change the way people understood the world.

We strive to honor this idea of nature and so have created a green hostel that endeavors to preserve and protect our environment. Two large water filtration systems make plastic water bottles completely unnecessary here. We have a large composting area to the east of the hostel that is used to recycle all organic refuse the hostel produces and creates fantastic fertilizer for our fruit and vegetable garden. Non-organic material is sorted and recycled as well. You will also see rainwater harvesting tanks scattered around to help us reduce our dependency on local water. Our grey water is redirected to water our hostel's landscaping and potted plants and used to flush our toilets which help us reduce stress on clean water supplies.

Community Projects

We know we live in pradaise and we'd like to keep it that way.

That's why we partner with our local community to spearhead recycling and beach clean up initiatives, provide books to our local schools as well as yoga, surf and gardening classes to our local youth.

For mnore information visit our foundation: The Chimborazo Program.